Many parents are warned time and time again not to prolong the use of pacifiers, but that's much easier said than done when you're a headstrong toddler who gets comfort from their dummies.
Have you noticed that your jaw protrudes outwards along your bottom teeth? Do you feel like your chin is too far forward to be in proper alignment with the rest of your face?
A tooth can crack or chip at any time, for a number of various reasons. You can have the healthiest teeth and the best oral hygiene, and still deal with a chipped tooth.
Gaps between teeth are common for a number of reasons, but that doesn't make them any less annoying when you feel like you've been doing everything right with your dental hygiene routine.
Crooked teeth is when your teeth overlap each other, appear wonky, and miss that uniformed look that perfect smiles tend to adorn.
An overbite is the term given to when you have a vertical misalignment of your teeth. Do you think your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth more than they should?
Dental implants are discreet and long-term fixes for missing teeth, which can improve your bite, any pain you might be feeling thanks to the lost teeth, and your self-confidence.
Teeth crowding is one of the most common reasons why people opt to have braces, and why they might want to undergo treatment later in life.
Composite veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment for people who want to improve their smile, and we know how important a perfect smile is to self-confidence!
Do you want straight teeth but want to avoid traditional metal braces? Maybe you are torn between orthodontic treatment and cosmetic treatment and aren't sure which is right for you? Whatever the reason that brought you here, we have the answers.
Are you torn between Invisalign and Lightforce Braces? Maybe you want orthodontic treatment but want to avoid traditional metal braces? No matter the reason, we are here to help.
Are you looking for clear aligners but don't know which to choose? Do you want straight teeth but don't want to use traditional braces? We are here with the solution for you!
Are you unsure what orthodontic treatment to use to straighten your teeth? Perhaps you want to avoid traditional braces but can't decide between Invisalign and Six Month Smiles? No matter the reason, we are here with the answers for you.
Are you unsure what orthodontic treatment to use to straighten your crooked teeth or adjust misaligned teeth? Maybe you have narrowed your choice to Invisalign and Myobrace but can't decide? Whatever reason brought you here, we are on hand to help!