No one wants a toothache. So what causes wisdom tooth pain? The wisdom tooth develops in your mouth, and they usually are not painful. However, if you think your wisdom teeth are ready to come through, you can start to feel the teeth coming through your gums.
Some people say their wisdom teeth feel as if they are coming through, but they aren't entirely through yet. Your dentist will schedule a time to take impressions of your teeth, so they can be prepared for the teeth.
Wisdom tooth in more detail. Most adults have four wisdom teeth: the third and last molars located at the back of your mouth on each side and found both on the upper and lower side of the jaw.
These little bad boys are the last of your adult teeth to grow. Some people are fortunate and have no wisdom tooth development at all! They tend to develop between your late teens and early twenties but vary.
Wisdom usually grows without problems unless they have insufficient space to grow properly and become impacted. So now, why are they called wisdom teeth? Well, it's because they grow when you are supposedly wiser and no longer a child! This was a term created in the 1600s.
One of the most common questions we get asked in the clinic is why we even have wisdom tooth? Many years ago, our ancestors ate foods that were a lot harder than what we are used to today.
They needed these teeth to be able to support their diets. Today, where humans are more used to a softer diet, these teeth have sort of become obsolete.
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow in. When teeth grow in, they can become impacted.
Impacted wisdom teeth are one of the most common dental issues that people experience today. Wisdom tooth that are not positioned properly can cause pain, inflammation, swelling, and other complications.
A person may have when they are 12-30 years old. Sometimes what can happen is that these wisdom tooth will not be able to fully come through the gum line
Because there is not enough space for them to do so or they have an unusual shape so they cannot break through the bone or gum line without causing damage to tissues around them.
Wisdom tooth may not always cause problems. But if they do, it is usually because blood vessels are getting pinched or the tooth is impacted.
Symptoms may include:
- Pain in the jaw that won’t go away
- Swelling around the area
- Unwanted chewing of one side of the mouth
- Pain when opening and closing your jaw
Impacted wisdom tooth are also called impacted third molars. These wisdom teeth have not come out through the gum line, so they cannot be seen with your naked eye.
This section is about impact wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can be a problem if they do not come out through the gum line because they may cause infection and other issues for the patient.
One thing we're really familiar with (unfortunately) is the discomfort and the pain that comes with wisdom teeth, such as erupting. Erupting wisdom teeth can hurt for a few reasons.
Sometimes there is not enough room for the teeth to grow, causing them to push on your existing teeth. The eruption will cause dental issues for millennia.
You may not have a dental abscess; consider getting wisdom teeth due to being removed.
Here's how wisdom teeth removal (also known as a "wisdom tooth extraction") works.
There are two types of wisdom teeth—incisors and molars in each dental quadrant; wisdom teeth protrude outwards from the gum line.
And both of these are removed if they are still present when the first molars start to erupt. If your wisdom teeth still haven't erupted by the time your molars do, then either of the two types of wisdom teeth will be removed by a dental surgeon.
Wisdom is fully grown teeth in the maxilla (upper jaw) and jaw (lower jaw).
They can also hurt if the tooth is growing sideways, and hence the gum can become swollen and infected. Wisdom teeth growing through can cause discomfort for a couple of weeks, but it really varies between each person, and because they grow at different times.
You get to experience this pain a couple of times (lucky us!)
There are some great products for discomfort available such as bonjela gel and ibuprofen. Anything with severe discomfort is highly recommended to see your dental professional and discuss appropriate treatment.
These teeth erupt in the early 20s or the late teens. Some people experience other dental complications, discomfort around this time. Some other people have no problem with it.
The wisdom teeth (also known as the third molars or third molars) are the last teeth to develop (the last teeth in the dental arch).
Therefore, they're the last teeth to erupt through your gums. The wisdom teeth are also the last teeth to erupt.
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to develop in the mouth, and that means they are likely to cause problems for months to come.
Frequent cavities, infections, and gum disease. At the back of the mouth are some dental issues that can come from having wisdom teeth.
The wisdom tooth is the first molars to come in after the last molars have fallen out. If you still have them, your dentist will probably remove your wisdom tooth.
Dental notation is the process of doing a dental measurement. Using the metric system. Sadly, most people are not familiar with this system.
It is a practical and helpful thing for the patient and the dentist.
One of the most common procedures performed by a dentist is called “tooth extraction” or wisdom teeth removal surgery.
The purpose of wisdom tooth extraction is to remove the tooth to prevent infection and other serious conditions.
The most common tooth extraction involves using pain relievers.
To flush the infection from the tooth, after which the tooth is removed.
The extracted tooth is removed and stored in a container of preservatives.
Dental caries, also known as caries or tooth decay. The most common form of dental disease in children. It is a breakdown of the tooth surface due to the stack of acids in the oral cavity.
Kids usually get it as a result of eating sugary or acidic foods, such as soda, French fries, candy, and fruit juices.
Removing impacted wisdom teeth. The only person who can really answer this is your dentist. Some people have enough room in the jaws to be able to accommodate the teeth of wisdom.
Those people who don’t should have them taken out (wisdom tooth extraction) as they will impact the adjacent teeth and cause you all sort of problems.
Remember, no need to take all four out. An OPG dental x-ray will show your dentist which one is might be growing sideways and which ones will cause you problems.
Your dentist will also tell you if they can be taken out in a chair or if a hospital visit is best. Some teeth are a little more complex than others, which means for your comfort, it may be best to go to the hospital and have a general anaesthetic.
If your dentist says they can extract the tooth either in a chair under local numbing or in a hospital when it comes down to personal preference. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is one of the common dental surgeries.
You’re one brave trooper and have had your wisdom taken out, now what? Recovery time can be uncomfortable for the first couple of days as the teeth are quite large and are deep, so they usually require stitches. It’s normal to notice swelling and a bit of blood too.
Your dentist will provide pain relief that will help ease this and also provide you with a post-care treatment plan that you must follow to allow for a smooth recovery.
A soft diet is also recommended for the first couple of days. The mouth is the fastest healing body part, so recovery should be relatively quick when compared to the procedure.
Taking care of your oral hygiene will prevent wisdom tooth pathologies and going to the dentist more than you should. And the saving on your budget costs in the long run.
Brushing - Rinse and Dental Floss at least twice a day must be an everyday practice. Regular dental visits will save you a lot of pain and money. Keep your six-month dental appointments for check-ups and cleaning.
If you’re concerned about your wisdom teeth removal or are experiencing any pain or discomfort, please go see your dentist, as they can discuss what your options are. Or contact the perfect teeth dental office.
We hope we’ve provided you more wisdom on the wisdom tooth.
Do you have more questions? Contact us.
Author: Dr Minoo Ghamari
Gorgeous Smiles Dental Principal Dentist
**The content on this blog is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified dentist in Melbourne with questions you may have regarding medical conditions. For News and update, please follow us on FaceBook.
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