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Different Types of Braces

It can be daunting first looking into braces, because contrary to what many adults believe before doing their research, there is more than just one type of braces. That's right, traditional metal braces are not your only option.

Braces For Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are often the number one reason why patients want to undergo braces treatment. Braces are known for straightening teeth to their optimal position, which can help keep them healthier for longer while improving things like bite problems, speech, and comfort levels.

Braces For Bottom Teeth

Braces are one of the most popular orthodontic treatment options for straightening teeth and fixing alignment issues with your jaw. They can be most effective in early adolescence to make sure your teeth are straight and healthy before entering adulthood, but some people need braces later in life. This might be for aesthetic purposes or to fix a health issue such as an underbite.

Braces For Overbite

An overbite occurs when misaligned teeth overlap with one another, causing a bigger gap between your upper teeth and lower teeth than should be there. Not only can an overbite create aesthetic issues for people affected, but it can also cause oral health issues when left untreated. When your overbite is affecting your everyday life, it's time to look for a treatment plan.

Braces For Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps between teeth can be concerning in terms of aesthetics and functionality. Luckily, there are a few tried and tested methods available that can be used to close gaps between teeth, with one of the most popular being braces.

Invisalign Vs Veneers

Do you want straight teeth but want to avoid traditional metal braces? Maybe you are torn between orthodontic treatment and cosmetic treatment and aren't sure which is right for you? Whatever the reason that brought you here, we have the answers.

Invisalign Vs Lightforce Braces

Are you torn between Invisalign and Lightforce Braces? Maybe you want orthodontic treatment but want to avoid traditional metal braces? No matter the reason, we are here to help.

Invisalign Vs Reveal Aligners

Are you looking for clear aligners but don't know which to choose? Do you want straight teeth but don't want to use traditional braces? We are here with the solution for you!

Invisalign Vs Six Month Smiles

Are you unsure what orthodontic treatment to use to straighten your teeth? Perhaps you want to avoid traditional braces but can't decide between Invisalign and Six Month Smiles? No matter the reason, we are here with the answers for you.

Invisalign Vs Myobrace

Are you unsure what orthodontic treatment to use to straighten your crooked teeth or adjust misaligned teeth? Maybe you have narrowed your choice to Invisalign and Myobrace but can't decide? Whatever reason brought you here, we are on hand to help!

Invisalign Vs Fastbraces

Do you want straight teeth but don't know which method is best? Finding out how to create your perfect smile can be tricky, but it doesn't need to be. Clear aligners and traditional metal braces are fantastic ways to straighten teeth, offer more space to crowded teeth, and even address bite issues. But with so many on the market, how do you choose the right option?

Invisalign Lite Vs Express

Are you torn between Invisalign Lite and Invisalign Express? Maybe you aren't sure what Invisalign treatment is right for you? Or are you looking for orthodontic treatment and want to avoid traditional braces? No matter what brought you here, we have two answers for you.

Invisalign Vs Ez Smile

Do you want straight teeth without using traditional braces? Finding the perfect orthodontic treatment for you can be tricky, but it doesn't need to be! There are countless clear aligner treatments on the market for you to choose from, including Invisalign and Ez Smile.

Invisalign Vs Bitesoft

Are you looking to straighten your teeth without traditional braces? Maybe orthodontic treatment is new to you, and you are torn between Invisalign and Bitesoft? No matter the reason, we are here to help!
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